what is the use of English


Are you curious about the role English plays in our world? Let’s explore the answer to “what is the use of English?”

In today’s worldwide culture, the primary applications of the English language are the following:

  • The primary language for international communication
  • Most preferred business language
  • Widely used in academic settings
  • The most practical language for travel
  • Most used for worldwide entertainment
  • The primary language of the online world

Ready to explore the diverse applications of English in our world? Let’s answer the question, “what is the use of English?” 

What made English so important?

The widespread use of English has become increasingly important in the era of globalization. English’s global significance is evident as it is used in various aspects of life, including international business meetings, English language courses offered by universities, and as a common language for tourists and travelers worldwide.

But how did this language become so influential? It stems from the British Empire, which covered 25% of the world back then. During the colonial period, British rulers frequently forced people to speak English rather than their native language. The language has a complex history, but it has a promising future. Because so many people speak it, it aids in connecting us in a global world. It can also be beneficial in both your personal and professional life. If you’re still undecided about learning it, get ready to expand your understanding of this language as we answer the question, “what is the use of English?”

What is the Use of English?

English is used frequently worldwide as a commercial or diplomatic language and is one of the world’s most widely spoken languages. It is taught and spoken in more than 118 nations. Science, aviation, computing, diplomacy, and tourism all use it. The language used in media, the internet, and worldwide communication are not the least among these.

Knowing English will enable you to participate in a global conversation in various ways. Here are 6 answers to the question “what is the use of English?” that could improve your life.

Language of international communication

Several factors influence the English language’s significance in contemporary communication. Despite not being the most widely spoken language, English is the official language of 53 nations and is spoken as the primary language by about 400 million people globally. Not only that, but it is also the most widely spoken second language in the world. 

Everyone should learn the language to communicate on a global scale. Speaking English will enable you to communicate with people from all over the world, not just those who speak English. Whether traveling, conducting business, or communicating with others on social media, it is true.

If you meet someone from another country, you can communicate in English. It opens up the world to you and allows you to communicate with people worldwide.

The most often-used business language

Learning English can greatly enhance your job opportunities, not just in the US and the UK but also globally. According to Cambridge research, more employers value English skills even in nations where it is not the official language.

You will only bond time with colleagues if you speak the common language in your office. You may need help communicating with customers and potential clients in your day-to-day role. As a result, international businesses are constantly on the lookout for qualified speakers.

You’ll be useful to any company if you speak English. You’ll also be rewarded for your knowledge. By learning English, you can increase your marketability and build a promising future with the potential to work and earn a living almost anywhere in the world.

Widely used in academic settings

In many countries, students are taught and encouraged to learn English as a second language. Many syllabi in different course subjects are written in English.

Furthermore, English is widely considered to be the language of higher education. Many of the world’s top universities are English-speaking institutions; this alone demonstrates how widely this language is used as an academic language. As the dominant language in academic research and the sciences, most research studies in these fields are written in English. Students in many countries study almost all of their subjects in English at the university level to make the material more accessible to international students.

Learning English allows students to gain admission to some of the world’s best colleges and universities, particularly those in the United States and the United Kingdom. Many of these institutions require at least a B2 level. To fulfill this qualification, you can search for an online tutor who can evaluate your speaking, writing, listening, and reading abilities.

Obtaining B2-level may appear difficult, but academic institutions require it for your good. You can stay on track in class and learn effectively without worrying about language barriers.

The best way to demonstrate your proficiency is to obtain a certificate from the IELTS or TOEFL exams. One of these two certifications could be your golden ticket to opportunities not only at university but also in your career.

The language of travel

With so many English speakers, traveling worldwide has always been challenging!

You can converse in English with people to learn about your surroundings and cultures. Knowing even a little English is useful if you get lost and need to find a local vehicle, like a train or bus station, or if you want to bargain for lower prices in a market. It could even save your or someone else’s life in an emergency.

Many popular tourist destinations employ English-speaking hospitality workers because it benefits their businesses. They can communicate more effectively with potential customers. It also assists customers in locating what they require and getting their money’s worth.

Traveling will be much easier if you can bridge the communication gap with English. Knowing English makes it easy to get assistance and help in many parts of the world because it is the main international common language for foreigners. After all, one in every five people knows or understands at least a little bit of English, which no other language can claim. You can put this to the test by looking at online travel options; any travel booking site will offer English as a booking option. It’s also a useful language for navigating airports and other transportation hubs.

Not only is English useful for tourism, but it is also the language of many international conferences, competitions, and celebrations. It is useful almost anywhere you go, whether for business or pleasure. If you need to improve your understanding of English, memorizing a few English phrases before traveling can help you get around.

Primary language for worldwide entertainment

Hollywood and Netflix have introduced us to brilliantly told stories and incredible must-see television. You will no longer have to read annoying subtitles with strange translations when you learn English!

One way to enjoy learning English is through entertainment! You could, for example, watch movies with a notepad while pausing to look up new vocabulary. Another option is to carefully repeat what your favorite characters say while pausing the movie whenever they say something intriguing. These are enjoyable ways to learn new words and practice your pronunciation.

YouTube is also an excellent resource for language learning, as 66% of its content is in English. There are also many vloggers and YouTube channels dedicated to online language learning. On top of that, there are online games, literature, live shows, and much more. With English, you will have access to an infinite amount of entertainment.

The most favored language online

More than half of the world’s most visited web pages are in English, making it the dominant language online. With over 1 billion internet users typing in English, you’ll have access to various resources and learning platforms to help you improve your skills.

YouTube videos and movies will keep you entertained. The New York Times headlines will be available. You’ll be able to communicate with others through language exchange apps. Dating apps can even help you find love. Because the internet is so vast, the possibilities are limitless!

English is useful for more than just online entertainment. Individuals can use English to develop and advertise their skills online by creating their website or enrolling in an online course. International companies also use email and Linkedin to find new English-speaking employees and Zoom to conduct online interviews.

Understanding English can help you open new doors and possibilities, whether for professional or recreational purposes, all thanks to the power of the internet.

Should English serve as the official language of the world?

People can gain more advantages by mastering the English language. Having a universal language is a wonderful concept since it makes communication between more communities feasible than ever before and, in some ways, levels the playing field. After all, in the increasingly interconnected world we live in, having the greatest tools is a good thing.

Well, others might disagree. To begin with, language and culture are intertwined. The notion that it is the most significant language might downplay the significance of cultural identities connected to other languages. The massive spread of this language potentially hastens the demise of less common tongues while many still rely heavily on them. Like most subjects, learning English has its own pros and cons.

It’s important to acknowledge the brutality that fueled the domination of this language throughout history. As already established, British colonialism played a major role in the language’s spread. Although some people believe that the repressive parts of the history of the English language should be taken into account and that its continued use would only perpetuate imperialist control and erasure, this does not mean that we should cease using it.

As many system translation technologies advance, speaking English may become less required for international communication. Although the majority of websites are in English, many of them can be translated. Many videos include subtitles available in several languages, and a smartphone app can make it easier for you to communicate with someone who doesn’t speak the same language.

Because there are so many resources available, English is the world’s easiest language to learn, despite the misconception that it is exceedingly difficult and convoluted. Several materials are available online and in bookstores if you want to start learning it as a second language (ESL).

More than courses and grammar books come to mind. Children’s books and TV shows can be used as a supplement to conventional educational materials. You will quickly learn to converse in conversational English if you watch as much TV as possible in English with English subtitles.

Ways to Learn English

After answering the question, “what are the uses of English?” here are some tips for learning the English language

  • Thrive to learn ten new words every day.
  • Try to converse in English with friends, family, or local people.
  • Please list the words you use daily in English and try to use them regularly.
  • Try to understand English news channels, movies, serials, and so on if you enjoy watching them.
  • Read English magazines, newspapers, and novels, among other things. Underline the word you find difficult and look it up in the dictionary.
  • Participate in group discussions to boost your confidence.
  • Try to take notes daily or start a diary.
  • Practice speaking skills in front of the mirror for 5 minutes every day.
  • Grammar exercises with nouns, verbs, adverbs, idioms, and so on.
  • Begin thinking in English and writing stories to improve your speaking and writing abilities.
  • Never be afraid to speak up; no one is perfect. Only by speaking can one learn.
  • Make friends with native English speakers; this will greatly assist you in learning.

The English language is more important in education. A student studies other subjects in English only, such as Science, Economics, Geography, and History, and if you know the general rules of grammar well, you can easily write notes and ace your learning journey.

Final Thoughts

English is a versatile and widely-used language that serves various purposes and functions in our modern world. It is the language of international communication, commerce, science, technology, and media. It is also the language of education and research and the medium of instruction for many subjects and disciplines. As a tool for international relations, English serves as a bridge that connects people from diverse backgrounds and cultures, allowing for the exchange of ideas and experiences. Its ubiquity has made it an indispensable skill for individuals seeking to thrive in our interconnected world, both on a personal and professional level.

Therefore, mastering the English language opens up a world of opportunities and possibilities for those willing to embrace its power. In essence, the use of English is paramount for anyone looking to navigate the global community successfully.

We hope this blog answers the question “what is the use of English?” and can fill your thoughts with the dominant significance of learning the language. Also, take advantage of the opportunity to enhance your life. Learn English online for free with Denwa Sensei!